Services we offer at Coast to Coast.
Drug & Alcohol Interventions
Drug Interventions
When a spouse, child, or someone you love is unwilling to admit their drug addiction or seek professional treatment, it feels like your hands are tied. Drugs have become a way of life, occupying their every thought and behavior. Maybe the most painful reality of all is when they choose drugs over a relationship with you. At Coast to Coast, we’ve been there. Our trained intervention specialists have successfully completed the sobriety journey—and have committed their lives to walk the recovery road with others.
Alcohol Interventions
An alcohol intervention is essentially a structured meeting. An employer or a healthcare professional can initiate it, but it is thought to have the most chance of success when it involves those who love the alcoholic, such as close family and friends. The aim of interventions is to confront alcoholics and problem drinkers with how their actions are hurting those around them.
Begin the Recovery Process with Coast to Coast
To learn more about Coast to Coast’s vision and success rates call (800) 210-8229. To reach us online, fill out a confidential online form. Our interventionists will be in touch to schedule a consultation and get to know you. Whether you’re beginning recovery for the first time or recommitting to sobriety after struggling with relapse, our we can provide you with the help you need for recovery.
Schedule a Drug Intervention with Coast to Coast Recovery
It will never feel like “just the right time” to intervene in a family member’s addiction. Unfortunately, your avoidant behavior is enabling them while subjecting you to the pain of manipulation and deceit. Call Coast to Coast today—before it is too late. Intervention is a powerful tool in our addiction treatment arsenal, and our reputable interventionists have an excellent success rate.