You are exhausted from dealing with the fallout of your son or daughter’s drug or alcohol addiction. There have been lies, deceit, school problems, and anger. Their glazed-over look and passive-aggressive behavior tell you that they can’t—or won’t—admit to having a problem, but you’re sure they need help. Don’t wait until tomorrow.
At Coast to Coast, our trained intervention specialists have fought off the snares of addiction and lived to tell about it. Our experienced team of experts is ready when you are: to hold an intervention, walk beside your teen in rehab, and help them discover fun, cool ways to live sober.
Teen Pressure & Addiction
Teens experience incredible social pressure: to conform, lose weight, look perfect, perform academically, be “grown up,” be sexually active, and achieve athletic success. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to stand up under the weight of the world—so teens turn to turn to drugs and alcohol as an escape. For your convenience, Coast to Coast’s preferred providers offers teen addiction treatment programs in CA, FL and around the U.S.
Tailored to meet the unique needs of teens and their families, our programs teach adolescents to change their addictive behavior, replace drugs with a healthy outlet, excel in school, hold a job, restore crumbling relationships, and develop an aftercare plan to ward off relapse.
Coast to Coast Teen Drug Rehab Facilities
When you or a loved one contacts Coast to Coast today, you’ll speak with our experienced team of clinicians and interventionists. Available 24/7, we are here when your family is in crisis, your teen is in trouble, or you need help supporting your child without enabling them. All of our services are free. Coast to Coast teen programs have saved thousands of lives, and clients can choose from long-term rehabs, short-term rehabs, 30-day rehabs, mental health disorder management, gender-specific therapy environments, wilderness and art therapy, and more.
Call Coast to Coast at (800) 210-8229 to request professional treatment when your teen is embroiled in cocaine or heroin addiction, street drug addiction, alcoholism, methamphetamine addiction, opiate addiction, marijuana addiction, or inhalants/huffing.