What are the Dangers of Molly and Ecstacy? Can you Overdose on MDMA?
In an article published by Dancesafe.org they state that, “MDMA-related deaths are rarely the result of an overdose, and calling them overdoses is dangerous and negligent. It sends the message that “you will be okay as long as you don’t take too much,” which is simply not true”. Taking MDMA often does not result in overdose but leads to other serious complications such as heat stroke, contraindicated health conditions, hyponatremia, and other causes.
In addition to that, an article published by the NIDA state that, “Researchers have determined that many ecstasy tablets contain not only MDMA at different concentrations, but also a number of other drugs or drug combinations that can be harmful.” Such drugs include ketamine’s, over-the-counter cough suppressants, heroin, cocaine, PCP, along with many others. Users are often unaware of everything they are taking when they consume MDMA. Polydrug use can have deadly consequences, and in the case of MDMA may even be unknown to the user.
What is MDMA?
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “MDMA is a synthetic drug that acts as a stimulant and hallucinogen. It produces an energizing effect, distortions in time and perception, and enhanced enjoyment from sensory experiences. It has also been described as an entactogen—a drug that can increase self-awareness and empathy.
Ecstasy is often used to refer to MDMA in the tablet or capsule form, which is the most common way people take the drug”. However, it goes by several other names including ecstasy, Molly, Candy, Dancing Shoes, Disco Biscuits, X, E, XTC, Sweets, Hug Drug, Happy Pill, and many others. MDMA is mentally addictive drug, and targets the same neurotransmitters and pathways as other addictive substances. The drug is considered a party drug, and use is often initiated during events such as raves, parties, and gatherings. However, the regular user may begin to take the substance at home, or with a few friends on a regular basis which ultimately leads to problematic use.
Long Term Effects of MDMA and the Unknown Additives
Using MDMA regularly has several long-term consequences for the user. The NIDA states the long term effects include Arrhythmia, heart damage, Irritability, Depression, Impulsivity, Impaired attention and memory, Anxiety, Aggression, Sleep disturbances, Concentration difficulties, Lack of appetite, Heart disease, and decreased cognitive functioning. In fact, some additional long-term effects may be experienced for users who use multiple substances, or those who are taking MDMA that has been cut or laced with other drugs unknown to the user. In a study published in the Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence researchers found that, “Out of their Sample of nightclub/festival-attending young adults in New York City who reported lifetime Molly/MDMA/ecstasy use, they found that only half of the hair samples contained MDMA”. The results from such studies are concerning because users are consuming substances that contain drugs that they are unaware of. Poly Drug use is extremely dangerous and often leads to fatal consequences for users.
Molly Overdoses on the Rise
Published in a report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, “Between 2005 and 2011, the number of emergency department visits due to ecstasy use rose from 4,460 to 10,176—an increase of 128%”. Ecstasy use and abuse is on the rise and continues to rise. In fact, recently the Los Angeles Times published an article stating that “There have been at least 29 confirmed drug-related deaths nationwide since 2006 among people who went to raves organized by Los Angeles area companies. Fifteen have died in Southern California — seven in San Bernardino County eight in Los Angeles County — and six in the Las Vegas area”. Of the reported fatalities about 90% of them had MDMA in their system.
Signs of a Molly Overdose:
Know and be aware of the signs of an overdose if you are using or plan to use ecstasy. Drugabuse.com discusses many overdose signs to be aware of which include:
- Uncontrolled body movements.
- Confusion and other changes in mental status.
- Restlessness and anxiety, even paranoia.
- A headache and blurred vision.
- Clenched jaws.
- Elevated body temperature, chills, and excessive sweating.
- Abdominal cramping, nausea, and vomiting.
- Irregular and rapid heart rate along with chest pains.
- Increased blood pressure.
- Urinary retention and delayed orgasm.
How to Prevent Molly / MDMA / Ecstasy Overdose?
The safest way to prevent MDMA overdose is to abstain from drug use. More times than not MDMA is marketed by drug dealers as being pure, and safe. However, the truth is more times than not the drug contains other narcotics and additives unknown to the user. Drug dealers use other additives, and substances to increase profits at the cost of the drug user’s safety. In addition to that, even those who are able to attain the pure form are at risk of long term effects of the drug. For the first time, user ecstasy fatality may seem unlikely. However, the risks of attaining a laced Molly, and overdosing are just as likely for the inexperienced user. The only sure way to not overdose on X is to not use the drug at all.
Get Help Today
If you or a loved one is using ecstasy or party drugs it is imperative that you get the help that you need. There are a variety of treatment options available. At Coast to Coast Recovery, you can find a range of addiction treatment services from MDMA holistic healing and complementary therapies to 12-step programs and Christian-based teaching. Let us help you end a life of addiction and start your journey to lasting sobriety. To learn more, call (800) 210-8229.