Family Addiction Counseling & Workshops
Addiction is a family disease that ravages marriages, leads to child neglect, ruins relationships, and opens the door to abuse and violence. Unfortunately, many family members suffer in silence while a loved one goes off the rails. Often, spouses or parents even enable addictive behaviors without realizing it. At Coast to Coast, we believe it’s just as important for the family to get help as it is for an addict.
To help families heal from the destructive impact of drug or alcohol addiction, we offer family therapy sessions, relationship workshops, and grief counseling. And, as your loved one transitions from active recovery to a sober living community or outpatient program, we continue to support you.
Family Therapy & Workshop Offerings
Our team understands the family devastation addiction brings, so we provide a supportive environment for impacted loved ones. When your loved one enters rehab, the family is assigned a clinician to guide them you through the process, schedule family counseling sessions, or recommend workshops.
During counseling and training sessions, family participants receive medical information about the disease of addiction or alcoholism and its influence upon individuals and the family as a whole. In addition, they process their anger and grief about the situation, and begin to learn:
- What to expect throughout each phase of addiction treatment
- What their role is during the addiction treatment process
- How to support an addicted family member without enabling
- How to communicate with an addict & create healthy boundaries
- How to identify addictive behaviors & relapse signals
- How to prioritize self-care during the healing process
One of the benefits of working with Coast to Coast is our ability to tailor counseling and workshops to the needs of the situation. Through our partnership with spouses, parents, and children, it is our goal to stop the harmful cycle of family destruction and provide hope, help, and healing to fuel the recovery journey.
Schedule Family Counseling or Workshops
Don’t suffer alone. In the midst of your family crisis, Coast to Coast team members have the ability to schedule family counseling and workshops quickly for most locations. Call (800) 210-8229 to discuss your questions with our trained intervention specialists, or to begin the admissions process for someone close to you.