Faith-Based Drug Rehab – The Right Recovery

Are you considering Faith Based Drug Rehab?
So you have decided to get sober, and now you want to explore your options to ensure that you get the proper help that you need. Deciding between a spiritual recovery center, and a nonspiritual facility can be a daunting task, especially when you already have issues surrounding your addiction. However, there are numerous benefits on deciding on a Faith-Based Drug Rehab as your choice treatment center. Faith-based drug rehab combines all traditional care elements with the added ingredients of spiritual tools, and in enhancing your relationship with God at the core of your treatment. According to an article published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, “Religious faith and spirituality are associated with many positive mental and physical health outcomes”. Religion and spirituality are seen as an enhanced aspect of one’s recovery that contributes to a person’s overall mental, and physical well being. Thus by combining traditional drug rehabilitation techniques with spirituality enhances the recovery process for people suffering from drug addictions.
What is Faith Based Drug Rehab?
Faith-Based Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation such as Christian based rehabs, combines traditional psychotherapy and counseling approaches with an additional component of spirituality. There is a strong emphasis placed on restoring physical and emotional health, eliminating substance abuse, and restoring spirituality. With Faith-Based Drug rehab, people are able to achieve full recovery over their self, and their life. A strong component of this type of recovery is its fellowship, and support. Being alongside unit people with common ground aids in establishing social supports that are beneficial to your mental health. Residents of this treatment receive recovery without judgment, a biblical-based perspective, and obtain deep understanding of God’s forgiveness. Taken together Faith-Based Drug rehab sets the stage for recovery that heals the totality of a personal self. Thus setting the stage for a successful recovery and abstinence from substance abuse.
What are the benefits of a Faith Based Drug Rehab?
Faith-Based Recovery has several important benefits for recovering addicts and sets the stage for success upon completion of Faith-Based drug rehab. According to the Journal of Substance abuse Treatment, “ Among recovering individuals, religious faith and spirituality is associated with several positive mental health outcomes. These include increased coping, greater resilience to stress, an optimistic life orientation, greater perceived social support, and lower levels of anxiety”. In addition to that, The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry found that people who received professional treatment and attended spiritually-based support programs, were far more likely to remain sober than if they received only professional treatment. Taken together Faith-Based Drug Rehabs are a more rounded approach to the longevity of sobriety. They prepare recovering addicts for success upon completion of drug treatment. While Attending a Faith-Based Drug Rehab recovery addicts are provided services that will increase their abilities to cope with the stressors upon release from the program while providing resilience against stress. At the same time, Faith Based Drug Rehab will increase social supports for recovering addicts which is an essential element in maintaining the longevity of recovery. Faith-Based Drug Rehab is comprehensive care that searches for a treatment modality that enables a positive atmosphere within residential treatment and gives the tools necessary for recovering drug addicts to succeed upon release.
Get Help Today
It is imperative if you or a loved one is suffering from a substance abuse addiction to get help today. . There are a variety of treatment options available. At Coast to Coast Recovery, you can find a range of addiction treatment services from holistic healing and complementary therapies to 12-step programs and Christian-based teaching. Let us help you end a life of addiction and start your journey to lasting sobriety.
To learn more, call 800-210-8229