Kiwi tastes a golden nugget. It’s delicious!

Kiwi tastes a golden nugget. It’s delicious.
Although it is left to the imagination, one can decipher from the video, that when Kiwi tastes a golden nugget, it is really drugs and how a habit becomes chronic and turns into an addiction. It infers that it is about someone who may be walking along, minding their own business and they see a “nugget.” The Kiwi consumes the nugget and feels great! Left to his own accord, the Kiwi consumes more nuggets and over time is able to fly. However each time after the Kiwi flies, he then falls to the ground, stumbling. Each time he falls, it is worse than the last. However, he flies farther, yet falls harder, yet, he continues to take more nuggets. As a Kiwi, a being a bird without wings, flying is an amazing thing to do. Since he may have never flown before, he tries it again and again. Each time he tries to fly, the more he tries to experience it, the more he realizes he can’t, each fall is a reminder that he’s just a kiwi, so it goes from a light-hearted, fun experience, to a depressing dread.
The Kiwi is helpless and takes the nugget, which is the ultimate drug. It could be alcohol, meth, opioids, heroin, or some other drug.
What do you think the moral of the story is? Anything new may make you feel good with such dire consequences is not good for you. It is a ruthless cycle that steals lives. Drug Addiction is for the birds. Get help with Coast to Coast Recovery.