Changing Careers After Addiction Recovery

Life after addiction recovery looks very different from pre-rehab days—in its professional, personal, and social aspects. In some cases, clients need to pursue a totally different career field after getting clean, since their old professional life can trigger negative emotions or spark a stronger desire to begin using again.
The Importance of Your Career in Sobriety
While a proper focus on family, friendships and self-care is critical to sobriety success, clients also need to spend time considering their career path. Much more than “just a job,” your career helps you develop confidence, financial stability, and improved personal growth. Consider what you wish to be doing day-to-day as you plan your sober life for the next five, ten, or 20 years. Then, determine if you need to invest time and money in training, education, or job preparation in order to achieve your career goals. If workaholism or your former job environment was a key contributor to your addiction, it is even more critical that you make a change.
As you map out your career path and plan for your personal and financial future, remember:
- Don’t rush into anything permanent. It is recommended that you don’t make any sweeping life changes during the first year of recovery, but it is important that you return to earning an income as soon as possible. When you are physically and emotionally able, take a part- or full-time job that allows you to provide for yourself or your family. During your free time, spend hours researching, talking with your counselor, and exploring more permanent career opportunities.
- Build your resume. Recovery is an excellent time to revamp your resume to include the life skills you have learned during rehab. You may also wish to audit a college course or intern at a workplace to enhance your CV.
- Explore your interests. There are many surveys and questionnaires that help you determine your personal and professional gifts and talents. Ask your addiction counselor about tools that can help you narrow down possible career fields based upon your interests and skill sets.
Coast to Coast Recovery Drug Rehab for Men & Women
At Coast to Coast Recovery, it is our desire to help you experience total restoration during addiction rehab. A major part of this is planning for your career and achieving your professional goals. When you’re ready to commit to sobriety and begin a career “do-over,” call 800.210.8229 to discuss our treatment planning services or speak with an admissions counselor. Your best life is yet to come.